Legal Conditions
Este pedido está sujeto en su cumplimiento a las condiciones particulares incorporadas en el mismo o en sus complementos, si los hubiere y a las presentes Condiciones Generales de Compra. Un representante de AVS (acompañado de un representante de su cliente cuando proceda) tendrá acceso a las instalaciones del proveedor con el objetivo de evaluar la conformidad del producto con los requisitos de la orden de compra.
Únicamente se reconocerán como validos los pedidos procedentes de una orden de compra, emitida por un responsable de compras de AVS, no reconociéndose validez o vinculación alguna para el comprador a los realizados verbalmente.
El proveedor deberá enviar la confirmación de pedido, incluyendo precios y plazos de entrega, en un plazo de 1 semana desde su recepción.
3.1 Albarán: Con todo material deberán acompañar un albarán u hoja de entrega debidamente valorado y con la referencia de nuestro pedido.
3.2 Embalaje: El precio de este pedido incluye embalajes. Todos los materiales serán embalados de forma que permitan su manipulación, transporte y almacenamiento con total garantía.
3.3 Condiciones de Entrega: Las condiciones de entrega aceptadas por AVS son DAP o DDP (INCOTERMS 2020).
Los precios se entienden fijos y netos para mercancías puestas en el lugar que AVS designe, sin que sobre los mismos pueda cargarse gasto alguno (embalaje, portes, impuestos, etc.)
El plazo de entrega es esencial en orden al cumplimiento del contrato. El proveedor deberá notificar los retrasos y sus motivos al responsable técnico indicado en cada orden de compra. El incumplimiento del plazo por parte del suministrador, salvo fuerza mayor debidamente justificada y comunicada permitirá optar entre anular el pedido o aplicar una penalización por demora. Esta penalización será de un 1% por cada semana de retraso, empezando a aplicarse en la segunda semana, con un total máximo por acumulación de semanas de retraso de un 10% del total del pedido. Todo ello sin perjuicio del derecho a resarcirse con la indemnización de daños y perjuicios que corresponda.
La factura se enviará por correo electrónico al email
La fecha de la factura no podrá ser anterior al suministro del material y se enviará en un plazo inferior a 10 días desde la fecha factura.
En la factura debe constar los datos fiscales de nuestra sociedad, como del proveedor, el número de pedido, proyecto y condiciones de pago acordadas.
El pago, si no se acuerda previamente, se efectuará mediante un giro o transferencia bancaria a 60 días, con día de pago el 15 de cada mes. En caso de giro bancario, se realizará uno por cada factura, indicando en el mismo el número factura.
Toda factura que no cumpla con alguna de las condiciones indicadas será devuelta.
7.1 Control de recepción: El material deberá ajustarse en cantidad, calidad y características a lo solicitado en la orden de compra. Los materiales rechazados en el control de recepción por parte de AVS por no ajustarse a las especificaciones de la orden de compra, se devolverán al proveedor, repercutiéndole todos los gastos ocasionados desde su salida de origen.
7.2 Comunicación de incidencias de calidad: El proveedor comunicará, durante la realización del producto o servicio, cualquier tipo de desviación en el cumplimiento de las especificaciones indicadas en la orden de compra y documentos que la acompañen. Dicha comunicación deberá hacerse al responsable técnico indicado en la orden de compra.
7.3 Para los pedidos que afecten a proyectos de aeronáutica o espacio el proveedor no podrá subcontratar parte o la totalidad del proceso sin la autorización de AVS.
7.4 Para los pedidos que afecten a proyectos de aeronáutica o espacio el proveedor deberá retener los registros generados durante la vida útil del producto final, en dicho caso se indicara expresamente por parte de AVS.
7.5 Para los pedidos que afecten a proyectos de aeronáutica o espacio se requerirá al proveedor que aplique los controles adecuados a sus proveedores externos directos y a los que están en su cadena de suministro, para asegurar que se cumplen los requisitos
7.6 Para los pedidos que afecten a proyectos de aeronáutica o espacio se comunicará al proveedor de todos los requisitos necesarios para:
a. Los procesos, productos o servicios a proporcionar incluyendo la identificación de los datos técnicos pertinentes
b. La aprobación de:
1. Productos y servicios
2. Métodos, proceso y equipos
3. La liberación de productos y servicios
c. La competencia, incluyendo cualquier calificación requerida de las personas
d. Las interacciones del proveedor externo con la organización
Las condiciones de garantía, si previamente no se han determinado otras, serán las siguientes. El suministro estará garantizado por el proveedor, exento de todos los defectos de materiales, vicios de construcción, de funcionamiento o de montaje y de una forma general de todos los vicios aparentes u ocultos durante el periodo de doce meses. El proveedor se compromete, a opción del comprador, a reemplazar inmediatamente, libre de cargas el equipo adquirido por otro apropiado, o a devolver el importe total del precio de la compra más los intereses y gastos correspondientes. Todos los gastos principales y necesarios y especialmente aquellos de materiales y mano de obra que se deriven de modificaciones, reparaciones o sustitución de piezas defectuosas, serán exclusivamente a cargo del proveedor, que se compromete además a efectuar la reposición en el plazo más breve y acepta extender la garantía del equipo original, por el periodo durante el cual el objeto del suministro estuvo paralizado a consecuencia de los defectos de que ha sido responsable el suministrador.
Con la aceptación expresa o tácita de este pedido, ambas partes están conformes en que AVS podrá cancelar el pedido sin indemnización alguna, si la demora en el cumplimiento de los plazos de entrega rebasara la fecha en que se alcance la penalidad máxima o si se comprobase en diferentes controles, que el proveedor no está en condiciones de cumplir las especificaciones o requerimientos técnicos convenidos. En tales casos AVS podrá optar entre la resolución del contrato o exigir su exacto cumplimiento con indemnización, en uno y otros casos de los daños y perjuicios que se les haya irrogado, sin perjuicio de aplicar las penalidades contractuales en el supuesto de optarse por el cumplimiento.
Para todos los litigios que puedan originarse como consecuencia de este pedido, las partes se someten expresamente a la competencia de los juzgados y tribunales de Eibar, con renuncia de cualquier otro que pudiera corresponder.
Con la aceptación de esta orden de compra el proveedor se compromete a guardar estricta confidencialidad y a no divulgar ni revelar, en forma alguna, datos, información, especificaciones, técnicas, métodos, sistemas y en general cualquier mecanismo o información al cual tendrá acceso en virtud de las funciones y/o actividades que realice con AVS.
AVS tiene implantando un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad, según las normas UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 y AS9100:2016. En la empresa se están llevando a cabo una serie de actuaciones encaminadas al cumplimiento de las normas y de la legislación vigente. Sin embargo, estas actuaciones no sólo deben ser realizadas por nuestra empresa, sino también por nuestros Subcontratistas/Proveedores.
Por medio de este correo se informa que de acuerdo a las normas referenciadas AVS tendrá en cuenta el cumplimiento de los siguientes puntos;
Los proveedores conducirán sus negocios de un modo ético y actuarán con integridad. AVS espera que sus proveedores cumplan con todos los requisitos legales y regulatorios respectivos a la ética.
Se espera de los proveedores que no practiquen ni toleren ninguna forma de corrupción, extorsión ni malversación. Los proveedores no ofrecerán ni aceptarán sobornos ni otros incentivos ilegales. Se espera de los proveedores que no ofrezcan a empleados de AVS ni regalos ni otras ventajas como fruto de su relación con el proveedor.
Los proveedores dispondrán de programas de seguridad para gestionar y mantener todas sus operaciones y producir bienes y servicios de acuerdo con las normas de seguridad aplicables. Los proveedores afrontarán los problemas relacionados con el producto y su potencial impacto durante todas las fases del proceso de producción.
Los proveedores deberán poner en conocimiento de AVS con la suficiente antelación toda la información relevante relativa a la calidad, fiabilidad y seguridad de sus productos y servicios.
Los proveedores deberán garantizar la capacidad y la formación necesaria de sus empleados para que la entrega del producto o la prestación del servicio contratados se realicen con las máximas garantías de calidad, fiabilidad y seguridad.
En un constante esfuerzo por colaborar con el fin de mantener libre la cadena de suministro de los peligros de las falsificaciones, la desviación ilegal y el robo de productos de la empresa, AVS espera que los proveedores nos notifiquen de inmediato si se les ha ofrecido la oportunidad de adquirir productos falsificados, desviados ilegalmente o robados, o si por algún otro medio llegan a saber de la existencia de productos en esta situación.
This order is subject to the specific conditions included in it or its supplements, if any, and to these General Purchase Conditions. A representative of AVS (accompanied by a representative of its client when applicable) will have access to the supplier's facilities to assess the conformity of the product with the purchase order requirements.
Only orders issued through a purchase order from an AVS purchasing manager will be recognized as valid. Verbal orders will not be considered valid or binding for the buyer.
The supplier must send the order confirmation, including prices and delivery times, within one week of receipt.
3.1 Delivery Note: All materials must be accompanied by a duly itemized delivery note or packing slip referencing our order.
3.2 Packaging: The price of this order includes packaging. All materials must be packed to allow for handling, transport, and storage with full assurance.
3.3 Delivery Conditions: The delivery conditions accepted by AVS are DAP or DDP (INCOTERMS 2020).
Prices are fixed and net for goods delivered to the location designated by AVS. No additional charges (packaging, freight, taxes, etc.) may be added to these prices.
The delivery time is essential for the fulfilment of the contract. The supplier must notify delays and their reasons to the technical manager indicated in each purchase order.
Failure to meet the delivery time, unless due to duly justified and communicated force majeure, will allow AVS to either cancel the order or apply a delay penalty. This penalty will be 1% for each week of delay, starting in the second week, with a maximum cumulative penalty of 10% of the total order amount. This is without prejudice to compensation for damages caused.
Invoices must be sent via email to
The invoice date must not precede the material supply date and must be sent within 10 days of the invoice date.
Invoices must include the tax details of our company and the supplier, the order number, project, and agreed payment terms.
Unless otherwise agreed, payment will be made by draft or bank transfer within 60 days, on the 15th of each month. If paid by draft, it will be one draft per invoice, indicating the invoice number.
Any invoice not meeting the stated conditions will be returned.
7.1 Reception Control: The material must match in quantity, quality, and specifications with those requested in the purchase order. Materials rejected during AVS's reception control for not meeting purchase order specifications will be returned to the supplier, with all incurred costs charged to them.
7.2 Quality Issue Communication: The supplier must inform AVS during production or service provision of any deviation from the specifications in the purchase order and accompanying documents. This must be communicated to the technical manager specified in the purchase order.
7.3 Aerospace and Aeronautics Projects: The supplier may not subcontract parts or all of the process without AVS's authorization.
7.4 Records Retention: For aerospace and aeronautics projects, the supplier must retain records generated during the product's lifecycle, as expressly indicated by AVS.
7.5 Supply Chain Oversight: The supplier must apply adequate controls to their direct external suppliers and those within their supply chain to ensure compliance with requirements.
7.6 Supplier Requirements: AVS will notify the supplier of all necessary requirements for:
a. Processes, products, or services to be provided, including identification of relevant technical data.
b. Approval of:
1. Products and services.
2. Methods, processes, and equipment.
3. Product and service releases.
c. Competence, including any required qualifications of personnel.
d. Interactions of the external supplier with the organization.
Unless otherwise determined, the following warranty conditions will apply: The supply is guaranteed to be free of defects in materials, construction, functionality, or assembly, and generally free of all visible or hidden defects for 12 months. The supplier agrees, at the buyer's option, to immediately replace the purchased equipment with an appropriate one or to refund the full purchase price, including interest and related costs.
All primary and necessary costs, especially those for materials and labour arising from modifications, repairs, or replacement of defective parts, will be exclusively borne by the supplier. The supplier also agrees to extend the original warranty period by the duration the supplied item was inoperative due to their defects.
By accepting this order, both parties agree that AVS may cancel the order without compensation if the delivery delay exceeds the penalty maximum date or if, during various controls, the supplier is found unable to meet the agreed specifications or technical requirements. In such cases, AVS may choose to terminate the contract or demand exact fulfilment with compensation for damages incurred, without prejudice to applying contractual penalties if fulfilment is chosen.
For any disputes arising from this order, both parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Eibar, waiving any other jurisdiction that might apply.
By accepting this purchase order, the supplier agrees to maintain strict confidentiality and not disclose or reveal in any way data, information, specifications, techniques, methods, systems, or any other mechanisms or information accessed through their activities with AVS.
AVS operates under a Quality Management System compliant with UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100:2016. Suppliers must adhere to the following:
ETHICS: Suppliers must conduct their business ethically and with integrity, complying with all legal and regulatory ethics requirements. Corruption, extortion, and embezzlement are prohibited. Bribery and illegal incentives are not permitted. Suppliers must not offer AVS employee’s gifts or other advantages.
PRODCUT / PROCESS / PROCESS SAFETY: Suppliers must have safety programs to manage operations and produce goods and services per safety standards. Suppliers must address product-related issues and their potential impact throughout production.
NON-CONFORMITIES: Suppliers must notify AVS in advance of any relevant information concerning the quality, reliability, or safety of their products and services. Employees must be trained to ensure quality, reliability, and safety in deliveries or contracted services.
COUNTERFEITING: Suppliers must notify AVS immediately if counterfeit, illegally diverted, or stolen products are discovered in their supply chain.
1. The offer will be deemed accepted when, within its validity period, the Client sends AVS a purchase order by mail or fax, expressly accepting the terms of the offer.
2. If the terms of the Client's order do not match those stated in AVS's Offer, AVS may reject the order or initiate a new negotiation of terms.
3. Once the order is received, AVS will send the Client an order acceptance letter, confirming the start date and timeline for the work.
4. In addition to the exclusions explicitly mentioned in the offer, all elements, utilities, and/or services not listed in the respective sections are also excluded from this offer.
5. When necessary, the Client shall provide AVS with the required support to enable AVS to fulfill its obligations appropriately. To this end, each party will designate a project manager responsible for coordinating and supervising the progress of the work and facilitating the other party's tasks whenever possible.
6. The deadlines stated in this offer are established assuming all involved parties fulfill their activities on the scheduled dates. If this assumption is not met, the dates will be adjusted accordingly.
7. If a delay, attributable to the Client's responsibilities, exceeds six months or causes a significant change in rates, the initial financial terms will be renegotiated. If the delay is substantial, AVS may choose to terminate the contract and will be entitled to recover the time and costs incurred to date.
8. Should the Product be unable to be installed at the Client's designated premises due to unfinished preparation work, the storage costs and risks associated with the Product will be borne by the Client. Assembly, commissioning, or integration of the Product at the premises or equipment prepared by the Client will be the responsibility of AVS, provided this is specified in the offer.
9. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, all products will be delivered at AVS's facilities. The Client will bear the costs of loading, transport, insurance, and installation of the Product, while AVS will handle the packaging it deems most suitable.
10. Once tests confirm that the delivered Product meets the written requirements outlined in the offer or during the project, or successfully passes the defined validation tests, the Client's acceptance will be deemed final, and AVS will be authorized to issue the final invoice.
11. The warranty does not cover: Travel and per diem expenses for personnel visiting the Client’s premises. Maintenance, performance upgrades, or failure corrections due to misuse or negligence by the Client, including using the Product for unintended purposes or under conditions not envisioned in its original design The warranty becomes void if unauthorized personnel carry out modifications or repairs without AVS’s express written consent.
12. AVS commits to maintaining strict confidentiality regarding any documentation or technical information supplied by the Client and designated as confidential or restricted. AVS will ensure its personnel adhere to this commitment.
13. AVS will also maintain strict confidentiality about any industrial or commercial information related to the Client's activities acquired during the project and ensure its personnel comply with this obligation.
14. If the Client deems it appropriate and AVS agrees, the parties may sign an additional protocol regarding confidentiality conditions during the project's execution.
15. The Client may occasionally request in writing modifications to the initial offer regarding the Product’s technical or functional specifications or the tasks under this contract. AVS will only accept such modifications upon a written agreement between both parties concerning the alterations in project timelines, price, and payment terms.
16. Any doubts or conflicts regarding the interpretation of the scope and objectives of the work will be resolved based on the offer's specifications and these general conditions. In case of conflict between the offer’s terms and any supplementary documents, the offer's terms and accepted modifications will prevail.
17. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any dispute or disagreement arising from interpreting the offer’s terms, project execution, or the parties' rights and obligations, which cannot be resolved amicably, will be submitted to equity arbitration under the Conciliation and Arbitration Service of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Navigation of Gipuzkoa. The parties expressly waive any other jurisdiction and commit to complying with the arbitration award.
AVS Added Value Industrial Engineering Solutions, S.L.U. (CIF / VAT no.: ES-B20912408), "AVS" from now on, is the owner of this website.
These contents (including, but not limited to: data bases, images, drawings, graphics, texts, audios, videos and software) are owned by AVS and their respective authors, and are protected by national and international trademark and intellectual copyright laws, inter alia. Hence only AVS and the respective authors may exploit, reproduce, distribute or modify the contents on this website. These may not be subject to manipulation of any kind (modification, copying, alteration, broadcasting, adaptation, translation, etc.) on the part of the user or any third party, whether total or partial, without prior permission from AVS and the intellectual authors.
The trademarks, headings, hallmarks and logos on the website are all registered and owned by AVS.
©2021 AVS Added Value Industrial Engineering Solutions, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Your access to this website is free of charge and its use requires no previous membership or registration.
AVS is responsible for the accuracy of the contents displayed on this website, as well as for keeping them up to date.
AVS has ensured that the security of these contents in other types of equipment or devices is guaranteed. However, we cannot be held responsible for potential problems concerning optimal image display. In any case, we would be pleased to learn about it in order to proceed with the necessary corrections. If you would like to contact us concerning this matter, send us an email to
The users may use the information and contents made available through this website in accordance with the specific applicable regulations, always observing AVS‘s trademark and intellectual copyrights, as well as those of our affiliated partners.
In the event that we carry out maintenance services or improvements, the website will be down for as little time as possible.
By using this website you accept all the Terms and Conditions above.
AVS informs users of the website on its policy with regard to the processing and protection of personal data of the users and customers that can be collected by the navigation or contracting of services through its website.
In this sense, AVS guarantees the compliance with the regulations in force in the protection of personal data, reflected in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing European Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
The use of this site constitutes acceptance of this privacy policy.
In compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, company Added Value Industrial Engineering Solutions, S.L.U., as responsible for the treatment of the data collected here, reports:
That the personal data collected will be included in a file of its responsibility and its treatment is intended to lead to the appropriate development and fulfillment of the services requested, including selection processes for AVS. Furthermore, data collected may be communicated to all other companies which are under the same Holding company as AVS (DIECAROS, S.L.).
Likewise your data is hosted on a server located in Spain with company Arsys that offers all the guarantees as it is adhered to the Privacy Shield agreement and complies with all relevant security guarantees.
Your data will be kept in order to facilitate the management of your requests in the future, however you can withdraw your consent to such treatment at any time, by contacting the address indicated below.
AVS informs users that their personal data will not be disclosed to third party organizations, except if the transfer of data is covered in a legal obligation or where the provision of service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a processing manager. In the latter case, the transfer of data to a third party is only to be carried out when AVS has prior consent from the user.
You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition, by contacting Added Value Industrial Engineering Solutions, S.L.U., residing in Polígono Industrial Sigma, Xixilion kalea 2, bajo, pabellón 10, 20870 Elgoibar, Gipuzkoa, Spain, with telephone number 0034 943 821 841 and email address, attaching a photocopy of both sides of your identity document, the request you are making, dated and signed, as well as your address for the purposes of notifications. In the case of not being answered in your application, you have the right to present the corresponding claim before the AEPD (Spanish Agency of Data Protection).
In compliance with the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data (L.O. 15/1999), as well as its adaptation to the new General Data Protection Regulation (EU 679/2016), your personal data will be incorporated into a file for which AVS Added Value Solutions is responsible, with the aim of applying it to the technical and administrative activity of the company. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition, as well as the right to be forgotten and the right to data portability, by sending a written request, along with a photocopy of your ID as required by the regulations, to the Quality Manager at AVS, Pol. Ind. Sigma, Xixilion Kalea 2 bajo, Pabellón 10, 20870 Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa).
Read more here.
The management of AVS is committed to maximize customer satisfaction and to enhance continuous improvement by promoting the introduction and maintenance of a Quality Management System based in the requirements of the international standards ISO 9001:2015 and EN 9100:2018 together with their philosophy of total involvement with the client, continued support, professionalism and co-responsibility for results.
With the following scope, “Design, development, production through the assembly, testing and supply of equipment in the field of science, space, mechatronicsand industrial”, AVS's quality management system in Elgoibar is certified according to those standards since 2012:
EN 9100:2018, registration number 01 117 115142 by TüVRheinland.
ISO 9001:2015 registration number 01 100 115142 by TüVRheinland.
AVS QUALITY POLICY (02/11/2022 approved by CEO)
The management of Added Value Industrial Engineering Solutions S.L. (AVS) is committed to maximize customer satisfaction and to enhance continuous improvement by promoting the introduction and maintenance of a Quality Management System (QMS) based on the requirements of the International Standards EN 9100 / ISO 9001 together with their philosophy of total involvement with the client, continued support, professionalism and co-responsibility for results.
Developing and continuously improving any customer, supplier or other partner relationship involve general quality objectives, which are determined, communicated, measured and reviewed by the QMS, who also establishes the actions to be taken for their fulfilment.
The effectiveness of the Quality System shall be measured by analyzing the customer feedback data (including satisfaction), non-conformances, quality audits and regular management reviews, with the aim of continuous improvement.
The supervision of this policy will be performed by the Management during the corresponding annual quality revision. Key targets for organizational goals and customer requirements shall be simultaneously reviewed to improve quality performance in line with defined quality initiatives.
AVS is committed to the training and development of their staff for achieving the established operational and quality performance metrics.
*This policy will be accessible to every employee through training and communication, being available on AVS´ s intranet at all times. Furthermore, a copy may be requested by any customer, potential customer, associate or regulatory authority.