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COMPOSITE STRUCTURES IN16B analyser composite structures
2014 | ILL
This project consisted of the design and development of a new support and positioning system and carbon fiber analysers, for the Institute Laue Langevin (Grenoble).
The IN16B instrument is a backscattering spectrometer. It replaces the present IN16 instrument. As its predecessor, it is dedicated to inelastic neutron scattering in fundamental research, as well as research of technological interest.
The extended large angle analyzer covers a spherical analysis surface with 2000 mm internal radius according to an angular aperture of 113º in the horizontal plane and 92,4º in the vertical plane of the sample.
The tolerances of the front face of the analyser are comprised between two theoretical spherical profiles removed from the ideal spherical profile (2.000 mm) by 0.1mm.
The present instrument is composed by:
1. Composite structure, which includes the support structure itself made of composite, an absorbent layer at its front face, an interface plate to mount it on the setting device, and fixation holes to connect laser diodes.
2. A SAM type structural foam to achieve a more homogeneous behaviour under temperature changes and also a better performance in the vacuum cycles.
3. An absorbent layer of an epoxy / B4C.
Inserts for laser diodes and CF lifting:
- Each support structure is equipped with 2 laser diodes to ensure the optical alignment. The laser diodes are perpendicular to the reflecting surface.
- The CF lifting structure is composed by two composite rods.
Client: ILL