POLARIS Pre-Sample jaws and Vacuum Tank
2012 | ISIS
Pre-Sample jaws
Collimating jaws are adjustable B4C shielding jaws that can change the aperture of the neutron beam-line and thus collimate the neutron beam. This creates a means of focusing the beam onto the sample area and increasing the resolution of the instrument. Non magnetic. Piezo-electric actuators. Accuracy of ±0.01mm.
Ultimate pressure: vacuum compatible up to 1E-06mbar.
Vacuum Tank
A vacuum tank 4m long x 3m diameter and 23Tn weight. Manufactured in SS304L. The vacuum pressure level inside the tank where the jaws are located is 10-6mbar. It consists of 8 boron carbide blocks (B4C) which create a double collimation system (2 horizontal and 2 vertical) in the inlet and outlet of the device.
Client: ISIS Neutron and Muon Source