2018 | ESRF

AVS was selected by the ESRF to manufacture the girders for the ESRF-EBS upgrade, which has been a resounding success and reached as-specified operating status ahead of time. The project involved the design review, manufacturing, test, installation, project management and quality assurance including CE marking of 65 girders, each with an overall dimension of 5100 × 1220 mm.
Main characteristics:
- 50 μm flatness over the whole length of the girder (5100 mm)
- GMAW welding
- Highly preloaded system
The execution of the project required serial production of 4 girders per month, with full quality assurance of each unit. All design parameters achieved, including 40 μm flatness both before and after assembly, improving the specification.
Client: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)