DONES-EVO 15/01/2022
Industrial Research on Technologies and Processes applied to IFMIF-DONES in contribution to the EU Fusion Roadmap program development

DONES-EVO is an industrial research and development project in the framework of the Demo-Oriented NEutron Source of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF-DONES). IFMIF-DONES is a neutron source unique by its characteristics, which will be essential to testing the most critical materials for future fusion installations.
IFMIF-DONES planned facility (top) and main building (bottom)
*Pictures retrieved from IFMIF-DONES web
Despite its design is very advanced, its singularity and difficulty make it necessary to use technologies still not proven, facing integration, feasibility and planning risks.
IFMIF-DONES will provide DEMO with the necessary data on the materials to be used in its design and construction. For this reason, the construction and start-up of IFMIF-DONES must take place sufficiently in advance, in order to obtain early information about the materials and align with the planning of DEMO, and other future power plants in accordance with the roadmaps of fusion.
EU Fusion Development Program Roadmap*
In the context of DONES-EVO R&D project and within the critical technologies for particle accelerators tasks, AVS is going to investigate the technology of the so-called kicker extraction devices. The objective is to extract bunches with a specific DC which could feed a secondary deuteron beamline. This will broaden the facility’s flexibility to parallel and independent characterization experiments. After the conceptual and preliminary designed completion, a key technology mock-up will be built. AVS is going to investigate the technology necessary which currently limits the future manufacturing viability of high voltage sources for the IFMIF-DONES kicker operation conditions. AVS is also going to investigate the technology to validate a high voltage source with downgraded requirements in order to test a mock-up with this source.
AVS extraction device design mk2
Included in the critical technologies for the lithium target tasks, AVS will investigate two systems for measuring impurities in liquid lithium and will manufacture mock-ups. One of these systems is a resistivity meter that allows a general measurement of impurities in liquid lithium, while the other system is an electrochemical sensor that measures exclusively the impurities of hydrogen and its isotopes in liquid lithium.
A liquid lithium impurities characterization device mk2
This project, record number MIG-20211066, has been funded by the CDTI – Center for the Development of Industrial Technology – through the 2021 cal of the program ‘Misiones CDTI.‘